Stage Show
Machine de cirque
Disciplin: Various circus arts
Lenght: 1h20 min
Genre: Comic, poetic and ingenious performance
Machine de Cirque, a modern circus company based in Quebec, presents their first production in March 2015. This project which combines circus techniques, percussion and automation is the product of very successful research and creation sessions in 2012-2013.
Artistic Director: Vincent Dubé
Street ShowS
En vrac
Disciplin: Duo Juggling, acrobatic bike and unicycle
Lenght: 40 min
Genre: Interactive comic performance
In this show, we simply recognize the dynamic and playful personalities of Yohann and Raphael. With all of their generosity, they offer every last bit of their impressive talent with a touch of humor. Juggling, unicycling, bicycling and a variety of acrobatics. We must not forget that the audience plays a big role in this performance. They will be called to come participate on stage as well as have the joy of cheering the artists on from beginning to end!
Un et demie
Disciplin: Unicycle and acrobatic
Lenght: 30 min
Genre: Interactive comic Performance
Raphael Dubé concurs the public with his acrobatics and his stunts on the unicycle. With his humoristic personality, he loosens up the atmosphere for the public to feel comfortable. Accompanied by his beautiful assistant, they make the audience participate and involved.